Education 205X
The Impact of Social and Behavioral Science Research on Educational
Focus on English Language Learners and NCLB
Spring Quarter, 2009
Tuesday 5:00-7:00
Instructors: Kenji Hakuta
and Robert Linquanti
This course examines federal,
state and local education policy development and implementation related to the
education of English Language Learners (ELLs). A major focal point will be the
reauthorization of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act,
currently known as No Child Left Behind (NCLB). Key topics to be addressed
include: instructional practices, assessment, accountability,
equity/opportunity to learn, school effectiveness and innovation, teacher
quality and effectiveness, district capacity, and their ramifications for the
education of ELLs. The role and use of research evidence in formulating policy
and enacting practices will be consistently explored.
The course requirements are:
(1) active class participation demonstrating evidence of having read course
materials; (2) participation in small group discussions where policy scenarios
are presented and the group considers dilemmas and trade-offs, and makes policy
recommendations at federal, state or local levels that are research-informed;
and (3) a 7-10 page policy brief on a particular provision in NCLB that reviews
the federal, state and local effects of the policy, examines the research base
underlying it, exhibits an understanding of how it plays out in practice, and
offers a defensible proposal for reform.
The overarching course goal is
to develop knowledge and skills that are grounded in research evidence and directly
applicable to current, real-world ELL policy and practice issues. On a historical note, this course remains
experimental in that it tries to use the immediate policy context as a window
into difficult and complex content. As such, it is not static. This year, for
example, the federal stimulus bill, formally known as the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act (ARRA), includes
greatly increased funding for Title I. Many analysts believe that ARRA will
reset funding levels for ESEA/NCLB in the future and has major implications for
reauthorization. Thus, we will look into ARRA and its possible implications for
ELLs. The instructors are both actively
involved in ELL educational policy, research, and practice. Guest speakers may also be invited to participate
March 30: Overview:
Federal-state-local linkages and history of ELL policy.
April 7: Title I, Title III and case law as levers of
ELL learning opportunities
Excerpts from
NCLB: Title
I and
Title III law.
Sunderman, G.
(2006). The Unraveling of No Child Left Behind: How Negotiated Changes
Transform the Law. The Civil Rights
Advocacy 1: Crawford, J.
A Diminished Vision of Civil Rights.
Education Week Commentary. Click here.
Advocacy 2: Education Trust. ESEA: Myths versus Realities. Click
Advocacy 3: Lazarin, M. (2006). NCLR Issue Brief: Improving Assessment and Accountability for
English Language Learners in the No Child Left Behind Act. Click here.
Three OCR
memoranda (5/25/70, 4/6/90, 9/27/91)
April 14: AERA week, no class
April 21: Assessment and Accountability.
Ho, A. The
problem with "proficiency": Limitations of statistics and policy
under No Child Left Behind. Educational
Researcher, August/September 2008,
37 (6), pp. 351-360. Click
Francis, D.
& Rivera, M. Principles Underlying English Language Proficiency Tests and Academic
Accountability for ELLs. In Abedi J. (ed.) English Language Proficiency
Assessment in the Nation: Current Status and Future Research. UC Davis
Abedi, J.
(2004). The No Child Left Behind Act and English Language Learners: Assessment
and Accountability Issues. Educational Researcher, Jan. 2004. Click
Cook, H. G.,
Boals, T., Wilmes, C. & Santos, M. Issues in the Development of Annual
Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs) for WIDA Consortium States.
Linquanti, R.
& George, C. Establishing and Utilizing an NCLB Title III Accountability
Approach and Findings to Date. In Abedi J. (ed.) English Language Proficiency
Assessment in the Nation: Current Status and Future Research. UC Davis
April 28: Assessment and Accountability: Case study:
Federal and state policy debate over Title III notice of interpretations.
Notice of
Proposed Interpretations (Federal Register, May 2008). Click
Selected state/professional
agency responses. Click here.
Notice of Final
Interpretations (Federal Register, October 2008) Click here.
May 5:
Parrish, T.,
Perez, M., Merickel, A. & Linquanti, R. Effects of the Implementation of
Proposition 227 on the Education of English Learners, K–12: Findings from a
Five-Year Evaluation.
Williams, T.,
Hakuta, K., Haertel, E., et al. Similar English Learners, Different Results.
Gold, N. (2006)
Successful Bilingual Schools: Six Effective Programs in
May 12: Instruction
Gersten, R.,
Baker, S., Shanahan, T., Linan-Thompson, S., Collins, P. & Scarcella,
R. (2007) Effective Literacy and English Language
Instruction for English Learners in the Elementary Grades. IES Practice Guide. Click here.
Goldenberg, C.
(2008). Teaching English Language
Learners: What the Research Does – and
Does Not – Say. American Educator. Click
Saunders, W.
& Goldenberg, C. (2009). Research to
Guide English Language Development Instruction.
In Improving Education for English Learners: Research-Based Approaches. Click here.
May 19: Teacher Quality and Professional Development
(under and beyond NCLB).
Chait, R.
(2009) From Qualifications to
Results: Promoting Teacher Effectiveness through Federal Policy. Center for American Progress. Click here.
Short, D. & Fitzsimmons, S. Double the Work: Challenges and Solutions to
Acquiring Language and Academic Literacy for Adolescent English Language
California Department of Education.
FAQs for English Learner Teacher Authorizations. Click here.
May 26: Teacher Quality and Effectiveness with ELLs.
L. (2007). Evaluating ‘No Child Left
Behind.’ Nation. Click here.
Wei, R.,
Darling-Hammond, L, Andree, A., Richardson, N. & Orphanos, S. (2009). Professional Learning in the Learning
Profession. Technical Report. National Staff Development Council and the
School Redesign Network at
June 2: District Capacity to Support Improved Classroom Practice for ELLs
Elmore, R.
(2002). Bridging the Gap between
Standards and Achievement. Albert
Shanker Institute. Click here.